What should I do with the fairy? Is it wrong of me to keep her captive? I don’t know. So I’m opening this blog hoping someone out there can give me some advice that makes sense. I don’t want to do wrong by the fairy, but neither do I want to squander this incredible good fortune. How often is one going to find a fairy? I want to keep her, I really want to keep her; but would that be wrong of me?
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Please let the fairy go. It's wrong of you to keep it trapped in a hamster cage. How could you do such a thing?
ReplyDeleteMichael, you should release the fairy first thing tomorrow morning. It's morally wrong of you to keep it captive. If you really do have a fairy, then you have an intelligent creature, and therefore you have no right to hold it against its will. Let it go.
ReplyDeleteYou girls are not thinking logically. If you were the one that caught a fairy, you would let it go? Really? I don't think so. Imagine the possiblities. You would throw all that away? You would not let the fairy go if it was you that had one in your room, and I don't think Michael should either.
ReplyDeleteNo, you are wrong, I would let the fairy go! It makes me feel terrible thinking of that little fairy trapped in a hamster cage. How cruel.
DeleteI'm just trying to be practical. Sunny, imagine if you had a giant redwood tree in your backyard and it belonged to you. It's thousands of years old so you might think you shouldn't cut down something so old. But did you know the lumber in that one tree could be worth one million dollars. Think what you could do for a million dollars. All you have to do is sell your tree and let it be cut down for lumber. Which people need. You would be stupid not to do. Be practical, Michael should not let the fairy go.
DeleteYou are a mean person.
DeleteJim, get real. If you were that fairy would you like to be held prisoner in a massive cage, away from your family, home and friends? I mean, you're right. You wouldn't want to let the fairy go. But if you were the fairy still, you'd obviously want to get out. Be free. Sometimes in life you have to do things you don't want to. Do what is right and let the fairy go.
DeleteMichael, have you released the fairy? You know it is the right thing to do. You cannot keep people prisoner against their will and the same goes for any intelligent creatures. Do what is right and let the fairy go.
ReplyDeleteLet the fairy go. It's not right to keep it captive. You have no idea how to take care of a fairy. How will you feel if it dies? Let it go before you do any more harm. I think that would be best.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Annette. The longer you wait the harder it will get. You need to let the fairy go. You know you should Michael.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one that thinks it would be stupid to let the fairy go?
ReplyDeleteJim Frogman is an idiot. Do not listen to him. Fairies can be dangerous when crossed. Have you even considered that? You have no idea what trouble you are making for yourself.
DeleteI do not think it's right to keep any living thing a prisoner that wants to be free.
ReplyDeleteFirst make a photo of her to show on your blog and than let her go. She will not be happy in the cage and she will die.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't your mum come in your room?
Not sure its a good idea to put a photo onto the blog. I think any time you upload a file or photo it leaves a trail to the source computer.
DeleteI have a different opinion. The fairy should not be let go, it should be turned over to science. This is a major discovery and it should not be wasted. I would recommend the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. or else a major public university. It has to be an organization with clout and a public presence so the discovery cannot be suppressed by federal agents. You owe it to science to make your discovery public.
ReplyDeleteA fairy is not a human being. We are making a mistake when we try to assign the same moral standards. Of course it would be wrong to keep a human captive. But a fairy is not a person. It is a creature. It is no more wrong to keep your fairy than it would be to keep a squirrel or raccoon or any other wild animal you captured in the woods.
ReplyDeleteI don't know that I could let something so wild and Magical go.
ReplyDeleteMe either.
DeleteI am glad to see some others agree with me. There is no way I would let the fairy go and I don't think Michael should either. However I don't think he should turn the fairy over to science or show it to anyone he can't trust.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe people are telling Michael to keep the fairy a prisoner. Fairies are not pets. That is cruel. Jim, Alfred, Demetrius, and Virginia are mean. Don't you people have any feelings?
ReplyDeleteOkay, everyone is entitled to an opinion and I don't think we should be disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteHowever I do have to wonder how anyone could believe it right to keep a living intelligent creature captive. Michael, you really do need to let the fairy go.
I think you should let it go because....
ReplyDelete>It is another species and if we use it for money purposes, they will get farther away from us and will plan to take revenge on other humans like us who are innocent. That would be a great sin that you would have done on harming the innocent.
>It has its own life. Think about it- it can breathe and see and hear. It even has its own feelings. It is 98% like humans and what if- that it has go its own family? If you still keep it, it will be restless and will miss its own family. Eventually it will die in sorrow and that would be a sin that you have made to Mother Nature. God would be ashamed of you that you have caused that even though you pray deeply for Him.
>If you let the fairy be seen by scientists, it will be all over the world! It will soon be ashamed of itself for letting down its people's trust and will kill itself. Soon, nationwide will keep on searching for them in forests like monsters looking for us to kill. They will all be afraid and YOU would have caused yet another GREAT SIN!
>If you let it go, it will think of you as its Savior and it will give you something in return. It will also think that humans are actually good persons. Soon, they will visit us and help us when it is Time.
>Before you let it go just yet, take a photo of it and write some details about it. It will become a memory and you can now show that memory to your friends. Even though if they say you are insane, dont be ashamed but be proud of what you just did to help that tiny creature.
In this world that I have lived in a long time, I belive that fairies and humans can be together as one but it is just that there are all kinds of people around. Bad, good, pure-hearted,selfish and caring.If you have released it, you are a one of king, Michael, and God would have been proud of you, a human that He had Created on Earth.
Alice is right. If you are bad to the fairy you will bring trouble down on yourself and also others.
DeleteI agree with Alice, she is obviously very smart and in tune with nature. You should do exactly as she says.